Want new patients for your practice? Video patient testimonials are a powerful way to improve your Google ranking and increase conversions on your website. According to Pixability:
Video gets results
- Video in email increases click-through rates by 96%
- Press releases that include video have a 500% increase in views
- Video on your website makes you 53 times more likely to show up on the first page of Google search results
Just last week, I recorded and edited 2 patient testimonials for our practice.
Patient Testimonial for Solving Dental Pain
One fellow talked about his experience having dental pain and how our practice treated him well personally and clinically. That video lasted 7 minutes – which is far longer than the recommended 1.5-2 minutes, but he said such amazing things we figure that a person in similar circumstances might watch the whole thing. We posted the 7 minute video on our website – and we also created a 2 minute clip of his video that we intend to use inside emails that we follow up for emergency patients that don’t schedule. Here’s the short version:
Patient Testimonial for Completing STM / Perio Treatment
Another video I completed was for a well-spoken patient (also an instructor at a local college) who recently completed her STM visits. Animated and positive, she also spoke with her hands, which made her video entertaining to watch. She said wonderful things about why she decided to come in, despite her fears and even shared an unexpected story, starting with the phrase “This might sound weird, but . . .” – now, don’t you want to hear that story?! Here’s the link for her video: http://youtu.be/6FwTuvrNeeI. I’ve placed her video on our webpage also and shared it with the hygienist team. We track patients who do not finish their STM series – and we plan to email them this video in hopes they will be inspired and return.
I also will share each of these dental marketing videos in our weekly blog – and share them on our Facebook page, Linked In company page, Google+ page, YouTube (of course) and reference them in Google Places. I also emailed a link to everyone on our staff and all our dentists so they can refer patients and perhaps use them in the practice as well.
You can do the same thing for dental marketing in your practice. Invite your patients to share their experience on video – be ready, you will hear “No” more than “Yes”, but the few who agree will be wonderful! Our fellow that talked about dental pain, he cancelled on doing our video twice before he actually came in and recorded it! Don’t give up.
Office managers that start to record patient testimonials for dental marketing will be helping to bring in new patients. The more new patients, the easier it is to fill your schedule – and the more your dentist will value your work. Plus, most dentists pay a per new patient bonus – so, if you ask on your health history ‘Who may we thank for referring you?’ and the patient writes “Website” – then you can start to track your success. You have the patient name, now you can check the Dentrix ledger for the production and collection on that patient. What a lovely report this turns into! You can show your dentist where the new patients came from last month – and for the website, you can dig deeper to show the financial results. When I checked this for our practice at the half year, I found another bonus – over 70% of new patients that found us online were out of network or self-pay. Compared to gaining new patients through insurance directories – you almost need 2 PPO patients for every 1 full fee patient! That makes online marketing even more powerful for your dental practice marketing. I would be happy to answer questions/comments on this – are you doing this in your practice?